Friday, August 21, 2009

Did You Miss Me???(Onimusha 3 Review)

Phew more than two long years have gone through without me fulfilling my promise. Sorry, as I was engaged with different issues in life like college, games, ACCOMMODATION and JOB

So, here I am back with a new game to include in my list of "The Game That Rocks". The Game is named "Onimusha 3 Demon Siege".

Well I was first introduced to playstation 2 with a prequel of this game called "Onimusha 2 The Warlords"

Now I am here to write about Demon Siege. The Game starts off a man named Samanosuke Akechi fighting Genma in Japan close to 1540(I don't remember correctly) and some hoe he jumps time to modern world where he meets Jacques Blanc(I think he is modeled after a hollywood actor in MI2)

Now there is lot of cool and awesome fighting with lots of puzzle solving. The most important phase of the game is the traversal between the present and the past with the ever intriguing question as what will be needed in what time and by what character. The time travel is done by a time portal and thats my most interesting part of the game.

Now the game is great because of the Weapon Enhancement feature and they have introduced a new system of with ako(a pixie kinda character). The system is such that you can have different powers with different coloured clothes of ako like only enhancement souls after killing or health recovery if the character is not moved.

The game has high visuals(i didn't say graphics) and it looks astonishing with some great scenes like the one in which the character fights an unlimited army of genma and the Eiffel Tower Scene. The sound and the music is great. Gameplay is Resident Evil Type so its awesome. Great Puzzle solving and the best part is the Weapon enhancement system. There are some bosses you find in the way but the final boss Lord Oda Nobunaga is quite easy to kill.

Overall it is a good game not for the faint of heart(lol) and is included in the list of "The Game That Rocks"


Anonymous said...

be happy and love. kiss

Vipin Trisal said...
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